Full Length of Horton Hears a Who! in Top Quality
Now you can see Horton Hears a Who! in high quality with duration 88 Min and has been aired on 2008-03-03 and MPAA rating is 307.- Original Title : Horton Hears a Who!
- Movie title in your country : Horton Hears a Who!
- Year of movie : 2008
- Genres of movie : Animation, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2008-03-03
- Companies of movie : Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Blue Sky Studios, Twentieth Century Fox Animation,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 88 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.2
- Youtube ID of movie : MIQFTBsGccA
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,FR,TR,SV,RU,CS,PT,HU,ES,NL,DA,NO,HE,PL,ZH,FI,EL,
- Cast of movie :Jim Carrey (Horton), Steve Carell (The Mayor of Whoville (voice)), Carol Burnett (Kangaroo (voice)), Seth Rogen (Morton (voice)), Will Arnett (Vlad (voice)), Dan Fogler (Councilman / Yummo Wickersham), Isla Fisher (Dr. Mary Lou Larue), Jonah Hill (Tommy), Amy Poehler (Sally O'Malley), Jaime Pressly (Mrs. Quilligan), Charles Osgood (Narrator), Josh Flitter (Rudy), Niecy Nash (Miss Yelp), Jesse McCartney (JoJo), Shelby Adamowsky (Hedy / Hooly / Additional Voices), Jack Angel (Old Time Who / Additional Voices), Caitlin Rose Anderson (Helen), Emily Anderson (Heather), Jan Rabson (Town Cryer / Additional Voices), John Cygan (Who / Additional Voices), Jess Harnell (Another Who / Additional Voices), Debi Derryberry (Who Mom / Additional Voices)
Movie plot of Horton Hears a Who! :
Full Length of Horton Hears a Who! in High Definition Format with movie synopsis "One day, Horton the elephant hears a cry from help coming from a speck of dust. Even though he can't see anyone on the speck, he decides to help it. As it turns out, the speck of dust is home to the Whos, who live in their city of Whoville. Horton agrees to help protect the Whos and their home" in top quality. Full Horton Hears a Who! in Top Quality by push of the button above.
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Director : Jimmy Hayward, Director : Steve Martino, Producer : Bob Gordon, Original Music Composer : John Powell, Editor : Tim Nordquist, Screenplay : Ken Daurio, Novel : Dr. Seuss, Screenplay : Cinco Paul, Writer : Jeff Siergey, Producer : Bruce Anderson, Executive Producer : Audrey Geisel, Executive Producer : Chris Wedge, Executive Producer : Christopher Meledandri, Casting : Christian Kaplan, Storyboard : Callan Brunker, Lighting Artist : Arun Ram-Mohan, Post Production Supervisor : Jeannine Berger, Visual Development : Barry E. Jackson
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Tags: urwald, rettung, elephant,
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