Free Streaming Paddington in Best Quality
Now you can see Paddington in HD video with duration 95 Min and was published in 2014-11-28 and MPAA rating is 251.- Original Title : Paddington
- Movie title in your country : Paddington
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Family,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-11-28
- Companies of movie : StudioCanal, DHX Media, Heyday Films, Costa Rica Filming Locations,
- Countries of movie : United Kingdom,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 95 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.3
- Youtube ID of movie : qFuzMlfZGWM
- Translation of movie : EN,RU,PT,FR,ES,DE,IT,BG,PL,ZH,HU,KO,DA,NL,CS,EL,HE,SV,
- Actors of movie :Nicole Kidman (Millicent), Peter Capaldi (Mr. Curry), Ben Whishaw (Paddington (voice)), Michael Gambon (Uncle Pastuzo (voice)), Imelda Staunton (Aunt Lucy (voice)), Sally Hawkins (Mrs. Mary Brown), Julie Walters (Mrs. Bird), Hugh Bonneville (Mr. Brown), Jim Broadbent (Mr. Gruber), Matt Lucas (Taxi Driver), Matt King (Andre the Thief), Samuel Joslin (Jonathan Brown), Daniel Westwood (Servant), Dominic Coleman (Policeman), Simon Farnaby (Security Guard), Madeleine Harris (Judy Brown)
Movie plot of Paddington :
Full Streaming Paddington in HD Video with movie plot "A young Peruvian bear with a passion for all things British travels to London in search of a home. Finding himself lost and alone at Paddington Station, he begins to realize that city life is not all he had imagined - until he meets the kindly Brown family, who read the label around his neck ('Please look after this bear. Thank you.') and offer him a temporary haven. It looks as though his luck has changed until this rarest of bears catches the eye of a museum taxidermist..." in best video format. Best Paddington in Best Look by clicking the button above.
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Director : Paul King, Story : Michael Bond, Producer : David Heyman, Screenplay : Paul King, Characters : Michael Bond, Executive Producer : Michael Hirsh, Cinematography : Erik Wilson, Electrician : Jonny Franklin
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Tags: england, train station, based on book, bear, anthropomorphic animal, talking to animals, children's book,
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