Best Up in High Quality
Now you can see Up in top video format with duration 96 Min and has been aired on 2009-05-13 with MPAA rating is 2450.- Original Title : Up
- Movie title in your country : Up
- Year of movie : 2009
- Genres of movie : Animation, Comedy, Family, Adventure,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2009-05-13
- Companies of movie : Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : Deutsch, Italiano, Norsk, Português, English,
- Durationof movie : 96 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.3
- Youtube ID of movie : YOOIK0baLvM
- Actors of movie :Ed Asner (Carl Fredricksen (voice)), Christopher Plummer (Charles Muntz (voice)), Jordan Nagai (Russell (voice)), Bob Peterson (Dug / Alpha (voice)), Delroy Lindo (Beta (voice)), Jerome Ranft (Gamma (voice)), John Ratzenberger (Construction Foreman Tom (voice)), David Kaye (Newsreel Announcer (voice)), Elie Docter (Young Ellie (voice)), Jeremy Leary (Young Carl (voice)), Mickie McGowan (Police Officer Edith (voice)), Danny Mann (Construction Worker Steve (voice)), Donald Fullilove (Nurse George (voice)), Jess Harnell (Nurse AJ (voice)), Josh Cooley (Omega (voice)), Pete Docter (Campmaster Strauch (voice)), Mark Andrews (Additional Voices (voice)), Bob Bergen (Additional Voices (voice)), Brenda Chapman (Additional Voices (voice)), Emma Coats (Additional Voices (voice)), John Cygan (Additional Voices (voice)), Paul Eiding (Additional Voices (voice)), Tony Fucile (Additional Voices (voice)), Teresa Ganzel (Additional Voices (voice)), Sherry Lynn (Additional Voices (voice)), Laraine Newman (Additional Voices (voice)), Teddy Newton (Additional Voices (voice)), Jeff Pidgeon (Additional Voices (voice)), Valerie LaPointe (Additional Voices (voice)), Jan Rabson (Additional Voices (voice)), Bob Scott (Additional Voices (voice)), Sebastian Warholm (Russell (uncredited))
Movie plot of Up :
Release Up in High Quality with movie plot "After a lifetime of dreaming of traveling the world, 78-year-old homebody Carl flies away on an unbelievable adventure with Russell, an 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer, unexpectedly in tow. Together, the unlikely pair embarks on a thrilling odyssey full of jungle beasts and rough terrain." in High Quality Video. Full Streaming Up in Best Video Format by clicking the button above.
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Director : Pete Docter, Director : Bob Peterson, Screenplay : Bob Peterson, Original Music Composer : Michael Giacchino, Editorial Manager : Laura Leganza Reynolds, Storyboard : Nick Sung
Sure, now you can watch movie regarding Up completely length and get the hyperlink to this film Up in HD video.
Tags: central and south america, balloons, title spoken by character, duringcreditsstinger,
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